This is Cary Connolly!
I have had this web address for a long time and for the most part it has been used mostly for email. but it has the potential for so much more.
If you are a Connolly that I am related to please let me know if you would like any of the following.
Your own Connolly email address, there are already several around and it integrates into your phone/tablet/laptop just like any other email address
- xxxxx@connolly.ca
Event registration, there is a form posted already for my 50th Birthday. They can be setup any way that you want with custom questions and answers along with details about the event
I can also host up other details but so far I have not introduced any security so we won’t go as far as the family tree or a Connolly contact list, but stay tuned for that when I get it setup.
Let me know what you think.
Take Care